Principal Profile at Glance

Dr. R K. Shanediwan

Professional Details
Qualification M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., NET, M.A. (Pol. Sci.), BJ, PGDGS, Hindi (Pandit), CWEGS, PGDT
Designation Principal (01/02/2018)
Date of Joining 20/06/1995
Specialization Modern Literature in Marathi
  • U.G. : 23 Years
  • P.G. : 13 Years

About Me:

  • Address:

    43, Sonsavali, Narmada Park, Ingavale Colony, Fulewadi, Kolhapur-416010

  • Contact:

    Phone:+91 231 2644204
    Mobile:+91 9960995853

  • Date of Birth:
    31-07- 1965
  • Blood Group:

Recognition for:

Completed Registered
Ph.D. 04 02
M. Phil. 05 --
P.G. Yes Yes

Research Projects:

Major Projects Funding Agency Minor Projects Funding Agency
1) समकालीन संदर्भात यशवंतराव चव्हाण यांच्या लेखनातील वैचारिकता In the Contemporary Context, The Relevance of Yashwantrao Chavan's Literature) UGC 1) यशवंतराव चव्हाण यांच्या लेखनातील वैचारिकता UGCUGC
2) मराठी वैचारिक साहित्य आणि नरेंद्र दाभोलकर यांच्या लेखनातील वैचारिकता UGC

Book Published

  • Collection of Poetry : 01
  • Text Books : --
  • Research Books : 08

No. of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops

Level Attended Paper Presented
Local / State 10 10
National 60 60
International 02 02

Published Research Papers

University/ State 15 05
National 60 45 
International -- 03