Department Information

Department Information

Department of Zoology was started in the year of 2014-15.At present Mrs. K. S. Kumbhar as a Head of the department and Miss.S. J. Mahale working as a faculty member.

  • The holistic development of the student and make them able to contribute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic era.
  • To exposes students to the field of Life sciences through projects on Agricultural Pests, Applied Zoology and Biological control. It will help to create awareness on environment friendly technologies.
  • To facilitate higher education & research initiations in Zoology.
  • To enhance skill based activity in Zoology.
  • To motivate the students for self -employment in applied branches of Zoology
Departmental Facilities and use of ICT tools:

In Zoology Department well equipped laboratory was present in which microscopes, microtome, hot air oven, preserved specimens was present. The Department of Zoology provides departmental facilities and ICT tools to perform and effective teaching-learning process to improve achievement level of the students.

Sr. No Type Number
1 UG Practical Laboratory 01
2. Instruments 04
3 Compound microscope 01
4 Dissecting microscope 10
5 Permanent slides 94
6 Preserved specimens 96
5 Animal models 20


Hot Air Oven


Physical and Academic Facilities:

ICT tools and resources:

Department of Zoology provides various facilities based on ICT tools for effective Teaching – Learning Process. Following are the facilities given by Department of Zoology.

Type of material Quantity
PPTs 38
E-books. 03
PDF notes 10
Question banks 16
Videos 03



E- Books
Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)

The Department of Zoology utilizes various evaluation procedures which gives practice for writing answers effectively in university level examination. The main evaluation procedure adopted which are as follows:

Sr. No Type of Reform in CIE Quantity
1 Unit Test 21
2. Preliminary exam 30
3 MCQ Test 06
4. Open book Test 23
5 Projects 20
6. Assignments 11
7 Oral Exam 11
8 Online Quiz 06

Departmental Library:

The departmental library has been started in last five years which makes available different variety of books to enrich the learning of zoological concepts. In our department library which is having reference books, e-journals, magazines etc. We exchange the books with all year B.Sc. students and we maintain the record of it. Students make their own notes and additional information about zoological concepts.

No. of Books No. of E-Journals Magazine Total
25 04 03 32
WhatsApp group:

WhatsApp groups of first, second and third year students were formed from the academic year 2017-18. Video lectures, study materials, questionnaires as well as important suggestions, student feedback are exchanged through WhatsApp group.

Teaching and Learning Resources

The increase knowledge of students by teachers we amended various learning resources these are power point presentation, Google meet, personal You tube channel, model presentation etc.

Sr. No. NTeaching Learning Resources
1 YouTube Channel
2 Google meet
3 YGoogle Classroom
4 PowerPoint Presentation
5 Departmental Library
6 Question Bank
7 Model Preparation

Teaching Learning Methods:

Department of Zoology implemented Teaching Learning methods in assessment period. Department strongly believes in implementing participative, experiential, problem solving methods. These are wallpaper, seminar, study tours, project work and assignment. These methods helps student to get wider perspective of subject knowledge and relevant subject.

Participative Learning:
  • Wall paper
  • Seminars
  • Model Preparation
  • Avishkar Participation

Experiential Learning:
  • Study Tour
  • Practical work
Problem Solving:
  • Project work
  • Assignments


Project work