Department of Commerce

Department Information

Department of Commerce was established in 1971 from the beginning of the college. The Department started M.Com. since 1984 due to the growing demand of students. The Department of Commerce has four specializations namely Advanced Accountancy, Industrial Management, Advanced Banking and Advanced Costing at graduation level and Advanced Costing and Taxation at Post-graduation level.

  • To provide excellent education in commerce with the view of developing highly capable human resources for industry and society.
  • To provide quality education and opportunities that meet the needs of business industry by giving theoretical and practical knowledge. .
  • To build the conceptual and practical foundation in areas of Commerce and Management.
  • To keep regular interaction with educational institutions, financial organizations and industries with the help of MOUs and Industrial Visits.
  • To develop entrepreneurship skills among the students.
  • To develop quality human resources to industry as well as society.
  • To develop students for professional career in Accounting, Finance, Management, Research and Higher Education.
Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation System

The Department of Commerce is committed to bring several reforms in the Internal Evaluation system for the academic development of the students. It improved the result percentage of all commerce students. In Second cycle accreditation report, Peer team mention that the passing percentage of M com student is very low. In the assessment period department undertook various efforts and activities to overcome this weakness. The result of this effort percentage of passing result of M.Com. students increased continuously in assessment period. In addition to that, students of M.Com.-II stood first in Advanced Taxation subject for consistently three year.

Sr. No Type of Reform in CIE 78
1 Home Assignment/ Seminar Projects with CIE Notebook 78
2 Unit tests, Surprise Test 57
3 Open Book Examination 16
4 Preliminary Examination 04
5 Online tests using Google forms and other online quiz applications 113

Departmental Facilities and Use of ICT Tools:

The Department of Commerce provides departmental facilities and various ICT tools to ensure effective teaching-learning in the classroom and improve attainment level of the students. ICT allows students to monitor and manage their own learning skill. Followings are the facilities given by Department of Commerce:

ICT Tools and Resources: LCD Projector – 01

Type of Material Quantity
PPTs 141
E-books 127
PDF Notes 114
Question Banks 79
Departmental Library:

In addition to central Shivaji Library, the Department of Commerce started departmental library. During the assessment period of 2017-18 to 2021-22 to render better academic resources to the students. The departmental library makes available wide variety of books to enrich the learning of Commerce. The collection is enriched with donations of books by faculty.

Particulars Department Library
1. Reference Books 32
2. Text Books 100+
3. Journals 29
4. Magazines 13
Add-on Course: Tally

The Department of Commerce offers the Tally Course in collaboration with the Lifelong Learning and Extension Department of Shivaji University, Kolhapur during the academic year 2020-21. Mr. S. H. Kamble and Mr. M. T. Dhanawade are the Coordinator and Asst. Coordinator for the said course respectively. Duration of this course is 6 months. Followings are details

Year Students’ Enrolment Appeared for Exam Total Passed Passing Percentage
2020-21 28 27 27 100 %
2021-22 25 ongoing ongoing ongoing