
Organization of Webinars/ Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Lead College Workshops:


National webinar on “Impossibilities Via Mathematics Application and Career in Mathematics” is organized on 21st June 2021.

Prof. Dr. B. N. Waphare sir, Pune University, Pune Delivered lecture on the topic Impossibilities via mathematics and application

Prof. Dr. K. D. Kuchhe sir SUK Delivered lecture on the topic Careers in mathematics

Webinar: Participants

Lead College Workshop

Lead college workshop on “Application of Algebra” on 28thjune 2021

Dr. S. B. Ballal is giving his keynote speech as a keynote speaker

Program inauguration by Dr. Azad Naykwadi

Dr. U. H. NAIK sir, delivered lecture on “Application of Linear algebra to geometry ”

Dr. S. S. KHOPED sir, delivered lecture on “Application of Linear algebra”

Guest Lecture:

1) Guest lecture on “Application of differential equation” on 3rd Aug 2018 by Dr S. S. Khopade, Gargoti.

2) Guest lecture delivered on “Carrier Opportunities after B.Sc. Maths” on 26th Feb. 2021 Mrs. A. S. Patil, Rajaram college Kolhapur.

3) Guest lecture delivered on “Scope and importance of Mathematics” on 5th Mar 2019 by Mr. D. B. Patil,Vijaysingh Yadav College Pethvadagaon

Guest lecture delivered on “Story of Numbers” on 3rd Oct 2018 by Prof. Awate, Kolhapur

Mathematics Study Tour:

The department of mathematics organizes study tour in order to provide experimental learning to the students. The aim of the study tour contain at least renown academic institution so that the visiting students will be inspired to go for higher studies in mathematics

Visit to GOA Science center

Visit to Mathematics department SUK

Visit to Pune University, Pune Mathematics Department

Industrial visit to IT park OM computers Kolhapur

Mathematics Wall:

Mathematics wall concept was introduced to enhance the interest of students in mathematics and to change their attitude towards mathematics. The activities of Mathematics Wall help to update the scientific knowledge of students, to develop skills to use of mathematics for other science subject and daily life applications

Math’s wall news in Lokmat Newspaper

Inauguration of mathematics wall in the presence of Chief guest Mr. S. P. Pathankar Kolhapur

VInauguration of mathematics wall in the presence of Chief guest Dr S.K. Kamble sir, Satara

Industrial visit to IT park OM computers Kolhapur

Poster Presentation:

The Department has conducted “Poster Presentation” aim of the event to widen the knowledge of students by displaying varied posters on subject oriented

Sr. No. Poster Presentation Topic
1 Applied Mathematics
2 Short trick for solving mathematics problem by using competitive exam
3 Real Life applications
4 Fuzzy mathematics
5 Profit and Loss
6 Beauty Of mathematics
7. Mathematician & Mathematical trick
Self Designed CIE Notebook 60